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Selectmen Minutes 12/23/2008
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
December 23, 2008

Members Present:  Richard DeBold, Chairman, Stephen McCleery Sr., Jeffrey Jordan, and Administrative Assistant Jamie Pike.

Library- Carolee Davison was present from the Library Trustees to report that the railing along the ramp had been damaged by a plow truck during the last storm.  Mr. Reinhardt has been contacted to determine what temporary repairs need to be made before spring.  At the request of Mr. Kenneally, Carolee will attempt to determine which truck hit the railing.  Ms. Davison also requested that snow not be plowed against the rear delivery and emergency access doors.  Mr. Kenneally will address this issue with his drivers.

EMD ñ John Martel reported that a preliminary damage assessment report has been submitted to FEMA for costs associated with the Ice Storm.  Preliminary costs were estimated at $25,000.  There has been no individual damage reported at this time.

Mr. DeBold shared a letter submitted by Senator Jack Barnes commending the Town for the measures taken during the storm in regards to the Emergency Shelter.

Road Advisory Committee ñ Mr. DeBold has sent a memo to all members in regards to a 2008-2009 report.  It was reported that such is to be prepared.

Highway Department ñ Mr. Kenneally reported that the payroll budget has been overspent, and that the major cause is the extra straight-time incurred due to holidays and sick time.  The Board recommended that in the future all additional time above the normal workweek should be appropriated from the overtime budget line.

Mr. Kenneally stated that there is need to consider another large plow truck.  Options are to either purchase one of continue to seek a contractor.  The Blue International continues to break-down and during periods of down-time there is need for an additional truck on the roads.  Mr. Kenneally has found a í95 International truck with a new dump body with plow and wing.  The truck does need 6 new tires and the asking price is $16,500.  Mr. MacCleery stated that he has heard about the truck and has heard no good news about the truck.

Mr. DeBold feels Mr. Kenneally should continue to look for a truck or other options.

Mr. Kenneally stated that the driver for an additional truck would be Ralph Blackey, whom has State experience.

Mr. Jordan stated that Mr. Bill Stevens is interested in purchasing a plow truck and contracting his services.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he has not individually contacted independent contractors in his search and would not recommend the contracting of Mr. Stevens.

Mr. DeBold and Mr. MacCleery recommended that Mr. Kenneally look into the truck that he has found and test drive it.  Mr. Jordan recommends contracting the work.
Mr. Jordan reported that he has received complaints concerning the speed of the plow trucks and is bringing forward his own complaint concerning these speeds.  Mr. Kenneally reported that the plow truck travel at a speed of 27mph and occasionally may reach 32mph.

Mr. Pike reported that he had received three complaint phone calls from Mr. Robinson of 9 Wexford Drive concerning damage caused to his mailbox.  Mr. Kenneally reported that he has been in contact with Mr. Robinson and will address the issue.

There was also reported another mailbox damage complaint from Mr. Estes of Bailey Road.  Mr. Kenneally was aware of the issue.

Mr. MacCleery questioned Mr. Kenneally about his placement of the Stop Sign at the end of Pleasant Street.  Mr. Kenneally explained to the Board why he chose this placement for reasons of sight distance.  

The Board has received a letter of complaint concerning the driveway constructed by Mr. Moses on Horsecorner Road.  Mr. Jordan reported that he has drive out of this driveway and noticed no sight distance problems.  There does appear to be potential for drainage issues and these shall have to be addressed before the issuance of an occupancy permit.

Mr. Jordan commended the Highway Department for the great job they did during the Ice Storm.

Fire Department ñ Chief Vien submitted to the Board 3 quotes for a ìWater Thiefî and a ìSiamese Yî.  Both of these units have been damaged on one of the trucks.

The three quotes submitted were:
                Fire tech & Safety      $2234.00
                All Hands Fire Equip    $2252.23
                AAA Emergency Supply    $2478.00

Chief Vien was directed to verify the quote from AAA Emergency Supply and was authorized to purchase the needed items from the least expensive provider.

Chief Vien reported that the Storm Shelter was open over the weekend following the Ice Storm.  There was 1 user on Friday, 12 on Saturday, and 4 on Sunday and the shelter was closed on Monday morning.  The Fire Department went door to door to check on residents.

There was discussion about submitting department costs to FEMA for reimbursement of services provided.  Chief Vien shall work with Mr. Martell to submit a preliminary report.

General Business

Gold Leaf Homes requested an additional extension for two building permit issued in 2007 that expired on December 20th.  The Board was in agreement that the permits were expired and that they did not have the authority to grant an extension.  The applicant shall be offered each of the two remaining permits for 2008.

Mr. MacCleery questioned the billing from Weir Construction in regards to being billed at the same rate as larger trucks.

It has been brought to the attention that a Budget Committee member is being paid and on-duty while in attendance of the Budget Committee meetings.  Mr. DeBold shall speak to the memberís supervisor concerning this issue.

Mr. Pike presented his finding concerning the Hilliard Road ROW.  Mr. Earl Weir shall be contacted for more information.  

Heidi Locke has responded to the letter sent to her by the Health Officer.  All information will be forwarded to Dr. Meehan.

Mr. DeBold presented a proposal for services from RFS Engineering for the design and recommendation of a heating system for the Safety Building.  The cost for such services is not to exceed $6000.  The consensus of the Board was that 2 more quotes were needed.  Mr. DeBold and Mr. MacCleery will follow-up with their contacts.

The minutes of December 16th were approved as written.

Payroll and accounts payable were signed.

Notices of Violation were signed for WGS Holdings and JE/Chichester Realty.

Being no further discussion, Mr. MacCleery made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 pm.  Motion seconded by Mr. Jordan.  Motion Passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike
Administrative Assistant

_________________________          _________________________    ______________________
Richard DeBold, Chairman           Stephen MacCleery                    Jeffrey Jordan